
Showing posts from November, 2020

Get the Best Facebook Messenger Bots for Business

Since the dawn of 2016 Face book launched the Robots service known simply as "Bots" for Messenger, an additional tool that many companies are beginning to use. Companies have been very excited by the fact that with the new Conversational Ai send and receive texts through Messenger. They will be able to have a conversation with the clients of a particular website to show the range of products that offer either with images or with videos. The benefits of the Bot for your company The apparent advantages of using this new technology are the resources it contributes to the dissemination and awareness of your brand, to attracting new customers, or to customer service. The Bot in question should be developed based on your specific goals. If your goal is to publicize a brand, you can access customers by providing them with the content of interest, invitations to events, or discounts through this medium. The Best Face book Messenger Bots for Business is a great tool to display your